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50+ LinkedIn Statistics, Facts, and Trends for 2024

Written by Monika Kisielewska | Mar 29, 2023 9:59:13 AM

TikTok is on the rise, Meta’s growth is slowing down, and Twitter is… Well, you know. With the social media landscape changing, can LinkedIn become the next social platform beyond professional use? And if so, what it means for marketers?

We’re looking at the latest LinkedIn statistics and facts to understand the platform’s growth dynamics and help you get your target audiences’ attention online.

Check out the 2024 LinkedIn statistics and trends we’ve prepared for you.

LinkedIn user stats

Understanding the demographics and behaviors of LinkedIn users is your first step to prospecting on LinkedIn. So who is a typical LinkedIn user, how are various LinkedIn user groups different, and what are the main demographic trends on LinkedIn? Let’s explore.

1. 875 million users were using LinkedIn in Q4 2022. As of March 2023, over 900 million users have registered on the platform. It’s over a 102% increase in just a few months (BusinessofAppsLinkedIn).

2. Almost one-third of LinkedIn users are based in the United States (180 million). India takes second place accounting for 83 million LinkedIn accounts (BusinessofApps).

3. 49 million LinkedIn accounts use this social media channel to search for jobs (LinkedIn).

4. Men use LinkedIn more frequently than women—57.2% of the LinkedIn audience are male representatives, while 42.8% are female (we are social).

5. The channel is excellent for reaching decision-makers in organizations. According to the official statistics, there are 65 million decision-makers on LinkedIn. 4 out of 5 users participate in a decision-making process in their organizations (LinkedIn).

6. Over 57 million organizations have published a page on LinkedIn as of March 2023 (LinkedIn).

7. As of February 2023, users, on average, spend over 7 minutes every time they visit LinkedIn (SimilarWeb).

8. 1.6B users visited the platform in February 2023 (SimilarWeb).

9. LinkedIn takes seventh place on the list of the fastest-growing brands worldwide in 2022, with an annual brand value growth of 63%. YouTube ranked second, with a growth rate of 83%. (Statista).

10. Google's official LinkedIn page attracted the most followers in 2022, reaching over 25 million (Social Shepherd).

11. The most popular profiles on LinkedIn are those belonging to Bill Gates (35,040,000 followers), Richard Branson (19,640,000 followers), Jeff Weiner (10,700,000 followers), Arianna Huffington (10,050,000 followers), and Satya Nadella (9,580,000 followers) (LinkedIn).

💡 Listen to Cognism’s Global Head of Demand Generation Liam Bartholomew, and Sean Ball, Founder at Generation Demand talking about going viral on LinkedIn 👇

12. 16% of all LinkedIn users in the U.S. log in to the platform every day (Statista).

13. Over 48% of U.S. LinkedIn app audiences are monthly active users (Statista).

14. LinkedIn is available in 26 languages (LinkedIn).

15. LinkedIn is available in 200 countries worldwide (LinkedIn).

16. The top-5 most followed hashtags on LinkedIn are #india (67,600,000 followers), #innovation (38,800,000 followers), #management (36,000,000), #humanresources (33,200,000 followers), and #digitalmarketing (27,400,000 followers) (we are social).

17. 77% of registered LinkedIn users come from countries other than the United States (LinkedIn).

18. In Q1, 2023, the international user base on LinkedIn grew two times faster than those from the United States (LinkedIn).

19. 28% of U.S. adults in each demographic group use LinkedIn; 31% are men, and 26% are women (Pew Research).

20. One-third of LinkedIn users have a bachelor’s degree (Statista).

LinkedIn marketing statistics

This chapter explores the critical statistics on using LinkedIn for marketing. They will help you create an actionable marketing plan delivering results (not just vanity metrics).

21. The total potential reach of ads on LinkedIn has exceeded 808.4 million in 2022. This is a +11.1% (+81 million) year-to-year change (we are social).

22. LinkedIn marketing tools have reached over $5 billion in revenue (July 2022) (LinkedIn).

23. In 2024, LinkedIn is projected to take over at least 50% of display ad spending and a quarter of digital ad spending (Insider Intelligence). 

24. Posting content weekly on a LinkedIn Page results in 5.6x more followers and a 7x faster-growing following compared to the Pages that post once per month (LinkedIn).

25. In 2022, people viewed 22% more Feed Updates than in the previous period (LinkedIn).

26. In 2022, LinkedIn members scheduled 176% more Events on LinkedIn compared to the previous year. People attended virtual events on LinkedIn 231% more often in 2022 than the previous year (LinkedIn).

27. There were 25% more conversations in private messages on LinkedIn in 2022 compared to 2021 (LinkedIn).

28. LinkedIn Conversation Ads drive 4x higher open rates and 4x higher engagement rates than email and twice the engagement as Message Ads (LinkedIn).

29. LinkedIn Sponsored Messaging drives twice as high open and engagement rates as email (LinkedIn).

30. Newsletter creation and distribution on LinkedIn is rising—users have already launched over 36,000 newsletters. LinkedIn members can create newsletters to share their expertise on specific topics and get other users to subscribe for future updates (LinkedIn).

31. Advertisers can achieve a 13.5% higher conversion rate with the LinkedIn conversion tool than without it. With conversion tracking, you can get a deeper insight into all campaign analytics and adjust your campaigns for better results (LinkedIn Marketing Solutions).

32. Users on LinkedIn have more money to spend than the average web audience—they have over 2x times higher buying power than the average (Linkedin Marketing Solutions).

33. In Q1 2023, 150 million newsletter subscriptions took place on LinkedIn (LinkedIn).

34. 40% of B2B marketers consider LinkedIn the most effective platform for generating high-quality leads (LinkedIn Marketing Solutions).

35. 77% of marketers believe that LinkedIn generates top organic results (Content Marketing Institute).

36. 75% of paid social media marketers choose LinkedIn to launch paid campaigns (Content Marketing Institute).

37. 82% of B2B marketers reach success with LinkedIn as a lead generation channel (LinkedIn)

38. Adding an image to a LinkedIn post will boost comment rates twice (LinkedIn Marketing Solutions).

39. Long-form content of 1900-2000 words gets more views, likes, and comments. The posts with 5, 7, and 9 headings noticed 50%, 33%, and 47% more views than those without headings (OkDork).

40. “How-to” posts perform 31,5% better than other posts (OkDork).

41. Larger images (1200 x 627 px) reach 38% higher CTR when used in ads (LinkedIn).

42. Users see 7x more reactions and 24 times more comments with LinkedIn Live videos than static posts (LinkedIn).

43. The minimum audience size to run an advertisement campaign is 300 users on LinkedIn. But you would generally target at least 50,000 people to achieve campaign efficiency (LinkedIn).

44. Over 9 million LinkedIn users have turned on Creator Mode since its launch in 2021 (LinkedIn).

General stats about LinkedIn

Now—let’s have a broader overview of LinkedIn as a platform that has gathered almost a billion users worldwide. Here are some interesting facts about LinkedIn every marketer should know.

45. LinkedIn has turned 20 years old this year. It was officially launched in May 2003 by Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn).

46. Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in 2016 (LinkedIn).

47. LinkedIn employs 21,000 people and has 36 offices globally (LinkedIn).

48. LinkedIn demonstrated a 21% increase in revenue in Q1 2023 (LinkedIn).

49. The number of Black and Latino members has grown by 35% and 20.3% in 2021 as LinkedIn has increased its effort to improve company diversity (LinkedIn).

50. There are over 295,000 schools registered on LinkedIn, allowing all LinkedIn users to search for educational options in the platform’s directory (LinkedIn).

51. Every minute, eight people find employment through LinkedIn (LinkedIn).