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Verified B2B Mobile Numbers Database | Diamond Data®

Written by Monika Kisielewska | Nov 5, 2021 9:38:08 AM

Using direct dials doesn’t cut it anymore?

Creates inefficiencies and frustration within your team?

We’ve got you!

Some audiences have become harder to reach in hybrid and remote-first work settings. At Cognism, we noticed that shift.

We focus on providing highly accurate mobile phone data (aka Diamond Data®) to deliver the best possible results with fewer calls.

This article explains how we’ve achieved 98% mobile phone data accuracy and what impact it can have on your revenue.

What’s Cognism’s Diamond Data®?

Cognism’s Diamond Data® is synonymous with a phone-verified B2B mobile numbers database with 98% accuracy. Our data team manually checks and validates the mobile numbers through several proprietary methods.

It’s a new standard of data quality when it comes to intelligent sales prospecting that eliminates inefficiencies and increases speed to connect rates.

How is our B2B mobile data verified?

Cognism uses several proprietary methods to verify Diamond Data®. Our team calls the mobile numbers in our database to verify if it is correct and if it belongs to the right person.

We also clean our mobile numbers list against global DNC lists in the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Croatia, Portugal, Sweden, and TPS/CTPS in the UK. Our data team is working on increasing our DNC list coverage.

Why do companies use phone-verified mobile data?

To answer this question, let’s hear from our customers using phone-verified Diamond Data® and their use cases.

1. To reach decision-makers

We onboarded a fast-growing EdTech company whose primary method of acquiring meetings, email outbound, doesn’t work well for booking meetings with C-suite executives. And when using direct dials offered by other providers, prospects rarely pick up the phone.

Cognism’s verified contact data increased the teams' efficiency:

2. To save time and costs

Before signing a deal with Cognism, SaaSLeads used two other providers but found the data was unreliable. It created inefficiencies when targeting specific audiences. 

Now they benefit from using Cognism’s contact data combined with event triggers, like a job change or new hire, to personalise outreach.

3. To enter new markets

Kebola used Cognism’s compliant mobile data to enter a new EMEA and North American market. They used Cognism for ABM approach—they selected a Diamond verified contact for individual outreach. 

And for a persona-based approach—to create personas via Bombora’s intent data and sync the generated leads into their CRM.

4. To streamline operations and increase morale

YuLife’s SDR team is the primary user of Cognism. They adopted a multichannel approach to prospecting, but Diamond Data® is a game-changer for their productivity. They use Cognism to build targeted lists in their ICP and get verified mobile numbers readily available. Using Diamond Data® removes frustration from dialling numbers that don't exist or having conversations with the wrong people.

What are the results when using phone-verified mobile data?

Our phone-verified mobile data powers sales outreach and increases connect rates. With Diamond Data®, roughly 1 in every 2-3 contacts to picks up the phone rather than 1 in 10.

But there’s more:

With phone-verified contact data, you can reduce the time getting through lists by 26% and hit targets with 79% less data than you would normally use.

We tested out cell phone data on two occasions. When we first launched Diamond Data®, we asked Ryan Reisert to test it through his process. And he’s seen improvements against the usual results.

Then we ran a half-day call blitz internally so that our sales team could test it, too. Here are the results:

  • The average connect rate was 25% (versus the industry-standard connect rate of 3%).
  • 8x more live conversations with prospects.

Take a look at the team's leaderboard below 👇

Use our Diamond Data® ROI calculator to see how much more opportunities you can get with our phone-verified cell phone data. 

How are mobile numbers different to direct dials?

A direct dial is an office phone number assigned to a person in a company. B2B mobile numbers, on the other hand, allow you to speak to a prospect directly, even if they are not physically in their office or at their desk.

When using direct office numbers to really reach C-level executives or the company’s decision-makers, you usually have to get past a gatekeeper—an assistant or a receptionist. And with mobile numbers, you can pitch to prospects directly because, like most people, they carry their cell phones everywhere.

Direct dials can also include a landline or a softphone (software used to make phone calls). Reaching the right prospect using these numbers can be a hit or miss depending on your data provider.

The impact of using accurate mobile data since the pandemic is huge for sales. Instead of avoiding gatekeepers, you can spend time refining your targeting and sales process.

Is using mobile phone numbers for cold calling legal?

Yes, as long as you have a legitimate interest for contacting the prospect about your product or service. You must also ensure you appropriately handle your prospects’ information, provide them with an easy way to opt out of future calls, and scrub the numbers against DNCs.

Diamond Data® is ideal for cold calling—we confirm the contact’s identity, check do-not-call lists worldwide, and comply with European GDPR data protection rules.

How to get Cognism’s phone-verified mobile database?

Every Cognism user has access to phone-verified Diamond Data®.

If you’re a Cognism customer on the Diamond package, you can filter search results down to only show Diamond Contacts. It lets you prioritise your outreach and call verified prospects who are more likely to pick up the phone. 

As part of the Diamond package, you can access the Diamonds on Demand® service. It’s a feature that lets you ask Cognism to phone-verify the mobile number of your most valuable prospects on demand.

Cognism then allocates internal resources to source and validate that prospect’s contact data and notifies you within 48 hours. It means you can get through to everyone you want to reach with confidence.

Check the table below to see what's included in the Diamond® package, and book a live demo to discuss pricing. 👇

What else does Cognism offer?

Cognism is a sales intelligence platform that helps sales, marketing, and revenue leaders keep up with the changing buyer behaviour. Apart from phone-verified mobile numbers, our platform provides:

  • Smart buyer intent data by Bombora built into the Cognism platform.
  • Next-level integrations with popular CRMs and sales enablement tools.
  • B2B data enrichment features.
  • Sales triggers and technographics.

Our mission is to stay relevant for our customers as a company. As James Isilay, CEO and founder of Cognism, said:  

“We constantly research and identify new opportunities and partnerships to ensure our platform delivers the best possible results for the highly competitive B2B market landscape.”

“Diamond Data® is just that – the best you can get. It is always evolving, and we want to assure our clients that they can target their prospects in confidence, leaving compliance and data accuracy to us.”

Interested in cold calling and outbound sales training?

Cognism has curated a library of resources for B2B sales and marketing professionals. Click to access a unique blend of sales training.

Tune in every two weeks to hear some of the best names in the sales business.👇